Submitter interface

Summary of workflow

The steps in the submission process have not changed, and you can refer to for a detailed overview of the submission process.


The new Dashboard(1) provides access to files that the submitter has recently worked on, or that have upcoming deadlines for action, along with a summary of their status.

For each dataset, the most recently uploaded file that has been Proposed for Review can be accessed via the Submitter Dashboard.

Online Validator submitter dashboard screen
  1. When useful things happen, we’ll let you know about them here. For example, when your file completes validation, or your proposed submission is accepted.

  2. Get to files of the same type quickly via the dataset link.

  3. Clicking on the Batch will take you to that file.

  4. When a speech bubble appears next to a batch number, a comment was supplied when the file was uploaded. Hover over this icon as a quick way to read it.

  5. The Last update column shows the date of the last event for that reporting cycle. If jurisdiction has not yet interacted with this reporting cycle, the date the reporting cycle was opened will be shown.

  6. The Status column will show the current submission status for this reporting cycle. Where an Issue count is shown, it can be used as a shortcut link to Issue Resolution page

  7. The Action link is a shortcut to the page required for next step in the submission process for that reporting cycle for that dataset

Uploading files

Via the Dashboard

  1. Dashboard menu icon

  2. Use the Upload new file button, or

  3. the Upload a file link for datasets with no current uploads.

Online Validator upload a file

Via the Uploads page

  1. Uploads page icon

  2. Use the Upload new file button.

Online Validator upload home screen


The Uploads page contains links to all available File details pages.

  1. A summary of each uploaded file is available on the Uploads page

  2. Files are grouped by specification type across multiple tabs
    Online Validator uploads page overview

    From this page, you can;

  3. review an uploaded files’ status

  4. see the date the file was uploaded

  5. see a count of Issues that require resolution for each file

  6. access the file’s details page

Reviewing file details and reports

File details

A File details page is available for each uploaded file.

Online Validator file details screen of uploaded file

Actions available for Submitters from the File details page include;

  1. The file status is always displayed in the top right corner

  2. You can still find all issues in the Issue resolution list

  3. You can upload a new batch file to replace the existing file if required

  4. The reports are now all grouped on one reports page

  5. The Submissions Report (previously called data quality survey) appears when the file has been submitted for review

  6. You can elect to share your file with Reviewers if you want advice before you submit it for review.

  7. Revalidate your file against historical and skeleton files

  8. You can delete unsubmitted files

  9. When you’re happy with the file you can propose it for review. After proposal this button becomes inactive.


All reports can now be accessed via the Reports page.

Online Validator reports home screen

These links will take you to the reports, some of which are still held in the older interface. If you are taken to the old interface you can return to the new submitter dashboard by clicking on the Back to new interface button(1).

Online Validator validation reports page in old interface

Submission Report (Data Quality Survey)

Online Validator file details screen of survey

The data quality survey is now called the Submission Report.

The Submission Report(2) becomes available on the file details page after you have Proposed a File for Review(1).

Proposing a file for review

You can propose a file for review from the File details page.

You can propose a file for review after it has been uploaded and has sucessfully passed validation.

The File details page will have a green Propose for review button(1) for files that have passed validation criteria, these files are eligible to be proposed.

If the button is faded out(1) your file cannot be proposed for review. Please refer to messages(2) on the File details page detailing why the file is ineligible in its current state.

Online Validator file details page of an ineligible file