1. 2019-20 MHE NMDS

1.1. Essential definitions

Scope - Mental health establishments 2019-20 (METeOR ID 707557).
Statistical unit - Specialised mental health service (METeOR ID 268984).

1.2. Changes for 2019-20

The specific detailed changes to the 2019-20 (version 2.40) specifications, compared to 2018-19 (version 2.30) are listed below.

1.2.1. Changes to the data model

No changes to the data model have been made.

1.2.2. Changes to definitions

The definitional changes to the 2019-20 specifications, compared to 2018-19 are listed in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Changes made to 2019-20 definitions compared to 2018-19
Data elements Details Rationale
Ambulatory mental health care service Removal of reference to ‘ambulatory equivalent same day separations’ and replaced with ‘same day admitted patient mental health care services’. Additional working included to clarify boundaries of CMHC NMDS and MHE NMDS Updated wording of ‘same day admitted patient mental health care services’ to align with change in reporting on AIHW’s Mental Health Services in Australia website.
Specialised mental health service-ambulatory service unit identifier, XXXXXX Hyperlink update. Hyperlink to Ambulatory mental health care service glossary item updated.
Specialised mental health service-ambulatory service unit name, text XXX[X(97)] Hyperlink update. Hyperlink to Ambulatory mental health care service glossary item updated.

1.3. Reporting statistical units

The statistical units in the MHE NMDS are Specialised Mental Health Services METeOR identifier 268984). These are the:

  • specialised mental health components of the state and territory health authorities, and of regions within states and territories;
  • specialised mental health service organisations;
  • hospitals or service unit clusters;
  • service units; and
  • specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals, and non-government residential service units in receipt of state or territory government funding.

In general, states and territories determine the organisational units that will report as regions, organisations, and service units for this NMDS.

Only those specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals and non government residential mental health services that receive state or territory government funding are included as service units for this NMDS.

Ambulatory services managed by non-government organisations (NGOs) are not defined as statistical units for this NMDS.

The following sections provide more information on each of the statistical units and reporting levels used in the MHE NMDS.

1.3.1. State or territory

This level refers to the state or territory and should be reported using the State/Territory identifier data element.

1.3.2. Region

The region refers to an administrative concept not a geographical one. States and territories may have one or more regions into which the state or territory is divided and to which its mental health service organisations belong. Region would be reported using the Region identifier (RegId) data element. In the smaller states or in the territories there may only be one or no region. In these cases, the Region identifier is to be reported as ‘00’ and the Region name (RegName) would repeat the name of the state or territory.

1.3.3. Organisation

The organisation is defined according to the Object class Specialised mental health service organisation (METeOR identifier 286449) and reported using the Organisation Identifier (OrgId) data element. An organisation is a separately constituted specialised mental health service that is responsible for the clinical governance, administration and financial management of service units providing specialised mental health care. An organisation may consist of one or more service units based in different locations and providing services in the admitted patient, residential and ambulatory settings. For example, a mental health service organisation may consist of several hospitals or two or more community centres. Where the mental health service organisation consists of multiple service units, those units can be considered to be components of the same organisation where they:

  • Operate under a common clinical governance arrangement;
  • Aim to work together as interlocking services that provide integrated, coordinated care to consumers across all mental health service settings; and
  • Share clinical records or, in the case where there is more than one physical clinical record for each patient, staff may access (if required) the information contained in all of the physical records held by the organisation for that patient.

For most states and territories, the mental health service organisation is equivalent to the Area or District Mental Health Service. These are usually organised to provide the full range of admitted patient, residential and ambulatory services to a given catchment population. However, the term may also be used to refer to health care organisations which provide only one type of mental health service (for example, acute admitted patient care) or which serve a specialised or state-wide function.

1.3.4. Hospital or service unit cluster

A specialised mental health service organisation may consist of one or more clusters of service units providing services in admitted patient, residential and ambulatory settings. For example, a specialised mental health service organisation may consist of several hospitals (clusters of admitted patient service units) and/or two or more ambulatory or residential service clusters (for example, a cluster of child and adolescent ambulatory service units, and a cluster of aged residential service units).

To allow service units to be reported individually, but still to be identified as part of a hospital (for the admitted patient service setting), or as part of another type of cluster (for example, other cluster type for ambulatory or residential service setting), a separate reporting level has been created.

  • ‘Hospital’ is for admitted patient service units, and
  • ‘Service unit cluster’ is for ambulatory service units and residential service units.

Ambulatory or residential service units will not necessarily belong to a ‘cluster’. However, for some ambulatory service units, the cluster the service unit belongs to may be a hospital that contains both admitted patient and ambulatory service units. In this instance, the Service unit cluster identifier for the ambulatory service unit would be the Hospital identifier. Other groups of ambulatory and residential service units could also be usefully reported as clusters. For example, clusters may exist of groups of residential services for aged persons, or groups of ambulatory service units in particular geographical areas.

Each hospital reported to the Public Hospital Establishments NMDS, with an inpatient unit in scope as specialised mental health, must be reported as a hospital for the purposes of the MHE NMDS.

1.3.5. Specialised mental health service units

The reporting of service units specified in this section relates to the minimum reporting that is required for NMDS purposes, defined on the basis of MHE NMDS reporting requirements. States and territories are free to report more service units than this. For example, if a hospital had two older persons acute admitted patient service units, these only need to be reported as one combined older persons acute admitted patient service unit, but could be reported as two separate service units if desired. However, identification of service units should not combine target populations—there is no code available to identify ‘mixed’ target populations. Therefore, where a service delivery outlet provides discrete and specifically funded programs for multiple target populations, each of these should be identified as a separate service unit. Admitted patient setting

For the admitted patient setting, data are to be reported by target population and program type. For example, if a hospital had separate wards/programs for child and adolescent, youth, older person, general adult and forensic there would be a separate service unit reported for each. Additionally, if there are acute and other program types, that would require separate service units to be reported (that is, defined by the program type as well as the target population). For example, an older persons acute unit would be reported separately from an older persons unit providing rehabilitation or extended care. Organisations can, however, report multiple service units with the same target population and program type, if the distinction between the units is known to the organisation and expected to be separately identifiable across a number of years. Ambulatory service setting

For the ambulatory service setting, the service unit is equivalent to the organisation’s ambulatory services as a whole. However, the data element Target population should be used to distinguish between general adult, child and adolescent, youth, older person and forensic services. An organisation may choose to report a number of separate ambulatory service units with the same target population, however this is not compulsory. Residential service setting

For the residential service setting, as a minimum, 24-hour staffed residential services that employ mental health trained staff on-site 24 hours per day and other services with less intensive staffing (but mental health trained staff on-site for a minimum of 6 hours a day and at least 50 hours per week) should be defined as separate service units. This applies to both government-operated residential services and government-funded residential services operated by non-government organisations. In addition, the data element Target population should be used to distinguish between general adult, child and adolescent, youth, older person and forensic services.

1.3.6. Sector

Sector is not considered part of the identifier. Within this NMDS, sector is an attribute of ambulatory and residential service units. Sector is an attribute of the ‘Hospital’ table for admitted patient service units.

1.3.7. Statistical unit identifiers

The reporting of service entities aims to create relationships between the mental health NMDSs, and where possible, the National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC), Public Hospital Establishments (PHE) NMDS and Admitted Patient Care (APC) NMDS (see Table 1.2).

The identifiers for the MHE NMDS are:

  • State or territory (1 character) (use State/Territory identifier)
  • Region (2 characters) (use Region identifier)
  • Specialised mental health service organisation (4 characters)
  • Hospital or service unit cluster (5 characters)
  • Service unit (6 characters)

Identifiers should be assigned as follows:

  • State/Territory identifier: as per National health data dictionary codes;
  • Region identifier: at the discretion of each state or territory as no national code set is available;
  • Organisation identifier: at the discretion of each state or territory as no national code set is available;
  • Hospital identifier: the same as used in the PHE NMDS where physically separate hospitals have been distinguished; where multiple hospitals have been reported as a single establishment, new identifiers will be needed to distinguish these hospitals;
  • Service unit cluster identifier: at the discretion of each state or territory as no national code set is available;
  • Admitted patient service unit identifier: at the discretion of each state or territory as no national code set is available;
  • Ambulatory service unit identifier: the same as those used in the Community Mental Health Care (CMHC) NMDS;
  • Residential service unit identifier: the same as those used in the Residential Mental Health Care (RMHC) NMDS.
Table 1.2 Reporting requirements for mental health and related NMDSs
Identifier element names METeOR identifier Mental Health Establishments NMDS Residential mental health care NMDS Mental health establishments NMDS Local hospital networks/Public hospital establishments NMDS Admitted patient care NMDS
Australian State or Territory identifier 269941 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Region identifier 269940 Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Specialised mental health service organisation identifier 404186 Yes Yes Yes No No
Hospital/Service unit cluster identifier 404239 (MHE) / 404858 (MHE, MHE & RMHC) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service unit identifier 404390 (MHE) / 708804 (MHE, MHE) / 404837 (MHE, RMHC) Yes Yes Yes No No

The use of identical identifiers between the various Mental Health Datasets is tested via the Mental Health Establishments Skeleton files, handled by the MDS Validator.

An additional identifier is now included in the MHE NMDS 2014–15 and subsequent MHE NMDSs: the Local hospital network identifier (METeOR identifier 680985). This data element is reported at the service unit level and is not part of the identifier string.

1.3.8. Consistency of identifiers across reference periods

Where no major service reorganisations have occurred, the region, organisation, service unit cluster and service unit identifiers (RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AdmiId, AmbuId, ResiId) used by a jurisdiction should be preferably identical to the previous year. However, given that all jurisdictions have committed to aligning ID numbers between the different NMDS’s, changes in ID numbers due to this process will be accepted, as will be the case for those jurisdictions that have undergone significant reorganisation of service delivery that warrant new service entity identifiers. In these cases, jurisdictions should provide a supplementary mapping document that clearly illustrates the changes in ID numbers between collection periods, at all levels.

Region, organisation, hospital, cluster and service unit name changes are acceptable, especially if the new name is more locally relevant. These will be identified as a change in the MDS Validator, however will not affect the generation of the historical trends reports.

1.4. Data model of the MHE Extract

Fig. 1.1 provides an abbreviated overview of the structure of the data to be reported. Information is provided at each level: State/Territory; Region; Organisation; Hospital/Service unit cluster; and Service unit (Admitted patient services, Residential services and Ambulatory services). Each level has a unique set of attributes which comprise the NMDS data elements and additional supplementary information.

Data model diagram

Fig. 1.1 Overview of Data model underlying the Mental Health Establishments NMDS data extract

1.5. Data integrity

For cases of missing data (that is, unknown, not stated or not available):

  • For Numeric [Num] fields, the data should be reported as zero, using leading zeros when necessary to pad out the field to the required length. The principle here is that all numeric fields require a valid value.
  • For Text [Char] fields, the data should be space-filled to the required length. For single character fields where a ‘missing/not stated’ value has been specified for a particular data element (for example, ‘9’ has been specified for missing data), use the stated value for ‘missing/not stated’ rather than simply space filling.

Values in Date [Date] fields must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National health data dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13 March 2020 would appear as 13032020.

Values in Numeric [Num] fields must be zero-filled and right-justified. These should consist only of the numerals 0 to 9 and the decimal (’.’) point if applicable to the data element.

Note: Fields defined as ‘Numeric’ are those that have numeric properties—that is, the values, for example, can be added or subtracted in a manner that is valid. Where a field uses numeric characters that do not have these properties (for example, the use of numbers for Patient identifier), the field is defined as ‘Character’.

Values in Character [Char] fields must be left justified and space-filled. These should consist of any of the printable ASCII character set (that is, excluding control codes such as newline, bell and linefeed).

1.6. Data set specification (DSS)

As noted earlier, the proposed file structure for the transmission of data from jurisdictions to the AIHW is a single Fixed Format data file. The following tables specify the order in which the data items should be provided to the AIHW.

The extract format consists of a set of hierarchically ordered Data records, of which there are twelve types (see Table 1.3).

In each extract file for any given period, the Data records must be preceded by a single File Header Record having the structure outlined in Table 1.4.

All records presented in the extract file should be grouped in the following order: Header Record; State/Territory details records; Region details records; Organisation details records; Hospital/Service unit cluster details records; and Service unit details records.

With the exception of Region, Organisation and Service unit cluster details records, all Data records should include the following elements in the order shown:

  • Record type
  • Establishment identifier (comprising: State/Territory identifier; Region identifier; Organisation identifier; Hospital identifier/Service unit cluster identifier; and Service unit identifier)
  • Specific data in the format specified for the given record type

The order of fields in a record must be the same as the order they are listed in the Record Layouts specified below. Field values should be formatted as specified in the Record Layouts.

The first field in each record must be Record Type. Valid values for Record Type are shown in Table 1.3.

Table 1.3 Valid values for Record Type
Record Type Description
HR File Header Record
ST State/Territory Details
STNGOE State-level Non-Government Organisation grants
REG Region details records
REGNGOE Region-level Non-Government Organisation grants
ORG Organisation details records
FTEORG Organisation Full-time Equivalent Staff by Setting/Target Pop
HOSP Hospital Details
CLUS Service unit cluster details records
ADMI Admitted Patient Service Unit Details
AMBU Ambulatory Service Unit Details
RESI Residential Service Unit Details

1.6.1. File header record

The first record of the extract file must be a File Header Record (Record Type = ‘HR’), and it must be the only such record in the file.

The File Header Record is a quality control mechanism, which uniquely identifies each file that is sent to the AIHW (that is, who sent the file, what date the file was sent, batch number of file, etc). The information contained in the header fields will be checked against the actual details of the file to ensure that the file received has not been corrupted.

The layout of the File Header Record is shown in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4 Record Layout for File Header Record within the data extract
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = HR
State/Territory Identifier (State) [1] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Batch Number (BatchNo) Char[9] 10 Represents the YYYYNNNNN component of the extract file name.
Report Period Start Date (RepStart) Date[8] 19 Report period start date
Report Period End Date (RepEnd) Date[8] 27 Report period end date
Data File Generation Date (GenDt) Date[8] 35 Data file generation date
Data File Type (FileType) Char[3] 43 Value = MHE
MHE Specification Version Number (SpecVer) Char[5] 46 Value = 02.40

Record length = 50


[1](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)

1.6.2. State/Territory data record

The extract format for the Data records is specified in detail in tables Table 1.4 to Table 1.15. The order of fields in each record must be the same as the order they are shown below. Field values should be formatted as specified.

Table 1.5 Data record layout - State/Territory details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = ST
State/Territory Identifier (State) [2] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
State/Territory Name (StateName) Char[28] 10 Name used to identify the State/Territory
Number of Supported Mental Health Housing Places (NHousePlaces) Number[6] 38 390929 N(6)
NGO Grants - from Non-Health Departments (NgoOtherDepts) Number[9] 44 685355 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Department of Veterans’ Affairs (RevDVA) Number[9] 53 377992 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Recoveries (RevRecov) Number[9] 62 288685 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - State or Territory Health Authority (RevStateHealth) Number[9] 71 288965 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Other Commonwealth (RevCwlthOther) Number[9] 80 288031 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Patients (RevPatients) Number[9] 89 290583 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Other (RevOther) Number[9] 98 288071 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - State/Territory Other (RevStateOther) Number[9] 107 288075 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions (ExpNerAcademic) Number[9] 116 290151 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training (ExpNerTraining) Number[9] 125 290149 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance (ExpNerInsur) Number[9] 134 290164 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation (ExpNerMHAct) Number[9] 143 376828 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion (ExpNerPromo) Number[9] 152 290156 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research (ExpNerResearch) Number[9] 161 290153 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services (ExpNerTransp) Number[9] 170 290183 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration (ExpNerProgAdmin) Number[9] 179 290145 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs (ExpNerPropLease) Number[9] 188 290185 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development (ExpNerServDev) Number[9] 197 373040 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation (ExpNerSuper) Number[9] 206 290158 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation (ExpNerWorkComp) Number[9] 215 290160 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure (ExpNerOther) Number[9] 224 290187 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]

Record length = 232


[2](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)

1.6.3. State MH NGOE Grants data record

Table 1.6 Data record layout - State MH NGOE Grants
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = STNGOE
State/Territory Identifier (State) [3] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Mental health non-governmental organisation service type (MHNGOServType) Char[2] 10 567352
01:Counselling – face-to-face
02:Counselling, support, information and referral – telephone
03:Counselling, support, information and referral – online
04:Self-help – online
05:Group support activities
06:Mutual support and self-help
07:Staffed residential services
08:Personalised support – linked to housing
09:Personalised support – other
10:Family and carer support
11:Individual advocacy
12:Care coordination
13:Service integration infrastructure
14:Education, employment and training
15:Sector development and representation
16:Mental health promotion
17:Mental illness prevention
88:Other and unspecified services
Mental health non-governmental organisation grants (MHNGOEGrants) Number[9] 12 567363 The dollar amount of grants provided to an NGO.

Record length = 20


[3](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)

1.6.4. Region data record

Table 1.7 Data record layout - Region details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = REG
State/Territory Identifier (State) [4] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Region Name (RegName) Char[60] 12 407187 Common name used to identify the Region.
Revenue - Department of Veterans’ Affairs (RevDVA) Number[9] 72 377992 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Recoveries (RevRecov) Number[9] 81 288685 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - State or Territory Health Authority (RevStateHealth) Number[9] 90 288965 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Other Commonwealth (RevCwlthOther) Number[9] 99 288031 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Patients (RevPatients) Number[9] 108 290583 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Other (RevOther) Number[9] 117 288071 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - State/Territory Other (RevStateOther) Number[9] 126 288075 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions (ExpNerAcademic) Number[9] 135 290151 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training (ExpNerTraining) Number[9] 144 290149 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance (ExpNerInsur) Number[9] 153 290164 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation (ExpNerMHAct) Number[9] 162 376828 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion (ExpNerPromo) Number[9] 171 290156 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research (ExpNerResearch) Number[9] 180 290153 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services (ExpNerTransp) Number[9] 189 290183 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration (ExpNerProgAdmin) Number[9] 198 290145 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs (ExpNerPropLease) Number[9] 207 290185 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development (ExpNerServDev) Number[9] 216 373040 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation (ExpNerSuper) Number[9] 225 290158 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services (ExpNerSuppServ) Number[9] 234 290147 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation (ExpNerWorkComp) Number[9] 243 290160 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure (ExpNerOther) Number[9] 252 290187 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]

Record length = 260


[4](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)

1.6.5. Region MH NGOE Grants data record

Table 1.8 Data record layout - Region MH NGOE Grants
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = REGNGOE
State/Territory Identifier (State) [5] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Mental health non-governmental organisation service type (MHNGOServType) Char[2] 12 567352
01:Counselling – face-to-face
02:Counselling, support, information and referral – telephone
03:Counselling, support, information and referral – online
04:Self-help – online
05:Group support activities
06:Mutual support and self-help
07:Staffed residential services
08:Personalised support – linked to housing
09:Personalised support – other
10:Family and carer support
11:Individual advocacy
12:Care coordination
13:Service integration infrastructure
14:Education, employment and training
15:Sector development and representation
16:Mental health promotion
17:Mental illness prevention
88:Other and unspecified services
Mental health non-governmental organisation grants (MHNGOEGrants) Number[9] 14 567363 The dollar amount of grants provided to an NGO.

Record length = 22


[5](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)

1.6.6. Organisation data record

Table 1.9 Data record layout - Organistation details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = ORG
State/Territory Identifier (State) [6] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186 Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Name (OrgName) Char[100] 16 405767 Common name used to identify the Organisation
Revenue - Department of Veterans’ Affairs (RevDVA) Number[9] 116 377992 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Recoveries (RevRecov) Number[9] 125 288685 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - State or Territory Health Authority (RevStateHealth) Number[9] 134 288965 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Other Commonwealth (RevCwlthOther) Number[9] 143 288031 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Patients (RevPatients) Number[9] 152 290583 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - Other (RevOther) Number[9] 161 288071 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Revenue - State/Territory Other (RevStateOther) Number[9] 170 288075 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Depreciation (Deprec) Number[9] 179 270279 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Administrative Expenses (ExpNonSalAdmin) Number[9] 188 270107 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Domestic Services (ExpNonSalDomest) Number[9] 197 270283 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Drug Supplies (ExpNonSalDrug) Number[9] 206 270282 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Food Supplies (ExpNonSalFood) Number[9] 215 270284 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Interest Payments (ExpNonSalInterest) Number[9] 224 270186 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Medical and Surgical Supplies (ExpNonSalMedSuppl) Number[9] 233 270358 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Patient Transport (ExpNonSalTransp) Number[9] 242 270048 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Payments to Visiting Medical Officers (ExpNonSalVMO) Number[9] 251 270049 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Repairs and Maintenance (ExpNonSalRepairs) Number[9] 260 269970 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Superannuation (ExpNonSalSuper) Number[9] 269 270371 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Other Recurrent Expenditure (ExpNonSalOther) Number[9] 278 270126 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists (ExpSalCnsltPsych) Number[9] 287 288767 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees (ExpSalPsyReg) Number[9] 296 288774 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Other Medical Officers (ExpSalMedOther) Number[9] 305 288776 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Registered Nurses (ExpSalNursesReg) Number[9] 314 270269 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Enrolled Nurses (ExpSalNursesEnrl) Number[9] 323 270270 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Occupational Therapists (ExpSalOT) Number[9] 332 288778 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Social Workers (ExpSalSocialWk) Number[9] 341 288780 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Psychologists (ExpSalPsychol) Number[9] 350 288784 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals (ExpSalDHPOther) Number[9] 359 288786 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Administrative and Clerical Staff (ExpSalAdmin) Number[9] 368 270275 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Domestic and Other Staff (ExpSalDomest) Number[9] 377 270276 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Mental Health Carer Workers (ExpSalCarerWrkr) Number[9] 386 451432 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Mental Health Consumer Workers (ExpSalConsrWrkr) Number[9] 395 451428 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Salaries and Wages - Other Personal Care Staff (ExpSalPCare) Number[9] 404 270273 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists (FteCnsltPsych) Number[7] 413 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 287509)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychiatry Registrars and Trainees (FtePsyReg) Number[7] 420 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 287529)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Medical Officers (FteMedOther) Number[7] 427 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 287531)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Registered Nurses (FteNursesReg) Number[7] 434 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270500)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Enrolled Nurses (FteNursesEnrl) Number[7] 441 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270497)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Occupational Therapists (FteOT) Number[7] 448 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 287603)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Social Workers (FteSocialWk) Number[7] 455 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 287607)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Psychologists (FtePsychol) Number[7] 462 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 287609)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Diagnostic and Health Professionals (FteDHPOther) Number[7] 469 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 287611)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Administrative and Clerical Staff (FteAdmin) Number[7] 476 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270496)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Domestic and Other Staff (FteDomest) Number[7] 483 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270498)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Carer Workers (FteCarerWrkr) Number[7] 490 450762 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Consumer Workers (FteConsrWrkr) Number[7] 497 450821 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Personal Care Staff (FtePCare) Number[7] 504 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270171)
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Academic Positions (ExpNerAcademic) Number[9] 511 290151 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Education and Training (ExpNerTraining) Number[9] 520 290149 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Insurance (ExpNerInsur) Number[9] 529 290164 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation (ExpNerMHAct) Number[9] 538 376828 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Promotion (ExpNerPromo) Number[9] 547 290156 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Mental Health Research (ExpNerResearch) Number[9] 556 290153 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Patient Transport Services (ExpNerTransp) Number[9] 565 290183 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Program Administration (ExpNerProgAdmin) Number[9] 574 290145 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Property Leasing Costs (ExpNerPropLease) Number[9] 583 290185 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Service Development (ExpNerServDev) Number[9] 592 373040 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Superannuation (ExpNerSuper) Number[9] 601 290158 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Support Services (ExpNerSuppServ) Number[9] 610 290147 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Workers Compensation (ExpNerWorkComp) Number[9] 619 290160 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Expenditure Not Elsewhere Reported - Other Indirect Expenditure (ExpNerOther) Number[9] 628 290187 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Carer Participation Arrangements Indicator - Carer Experience Surveys (CarerSurvey) Char[1] 637 529231
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Carer Participation Arrangements Indicator - Formal Complaints Mechanism (CarerCompl) Char[1] 638 564666
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Carer Participation Arrangements Indicator - Formal Participation Policy (CarerPolicy) Char[1] 639 529235
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Carer Participation Arrangements Indicator - Regular Discussion Groups (CarerDiscGrp) Char[1] 640 529237
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Carer Representation Arrangements Indicator (CarerRep) Char[1] 641 529383
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Consumer Participation Arrangements Indicator - Consumer Experience Surveys (ConsrSurvey) Char[1] 642 529170
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Consumer Participation Arrangements Indicator - Formal Complaints Mechanism (ConsrCompl) Char[1] 643 564674
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Consumer Participation Arrangements Indicator - Formal Participation Policy (ConsrPolicy) Char[1] 644 529185
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Consumer Participation Arrangements - Regular Discussion Groups (ConsrDiscGrp) Char[1] 645 529224
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Consumer Representation Arrangements Indicator (ConsrRep) Char[1] 646 529103
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Consumer Committee Representation Arrangements (CmteeRep) Char[1] 647 288855
1:Formal position(s) for consumers exist on the organisation’s management committee for the appointment of person(s) to represent the interests of consumers.
2:Specific consumer advisory committee(s) exists to advise on all relevant mental health services managed by the organisation.
3:Specific consumer advisory committee(s) exists to advise on some but not all relevant mental health services managed by the organisation.
4:Consumers participate on a broadly based advisory committee which include a mixture of organisations and groups representing a wide range of interests.
5:Consumers are not represented on any advisory committee but are encouraged to meet with senior representatives of the organisation as required.
6:No specific arrangements exist for consumer participation in planning and evaluation of services.

Record length = 647


[6](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)

1.6.7. Organisation: FTE Staff by Service Setting data record

Table 1.10 Data record layout - Organisation Deatils: FTE Staff by Service Setting data record
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = FTEORG
State/Territory Identifier (State) [7] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186 Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Service Setting (Setting) Char[1] 16 493347
1:Admitted patient care setting
2:Residential care setting
3:Ambulatory care setting
4:Organisational overhead setting
Target Population (TargetPop) [8] Char[1] 17 682403
1:Child and adolescent
2:Older person
7:Not applicable
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Salaried Medical Officers (FteMed) Number[7] 18 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270494)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Nurses (FteNurses) Number[7] 25 426703 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Diagnostic and Health Professionals (FteDHP) Number[7] 32 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270495)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Administrative and Clerical Staff (FteAdmin) Number[7] 39 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270496)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Domestic and Other Staff (FteDomest) Number[7] 46 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270498)
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Mental Health Consumer and Carer Workers (FteCCWrkr) Number[7] 53 494044 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN
Full-Time Equivalent Staff - Other Personal Care Staff (FtePCare) Number[7] 60 Total number of full-time equivalent units. NNNN.NN (Based on MeteorID: 270171)

Record length = 66


[7](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)
[8]METeOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS

1.6.8. Hospital data record

Table 1.11 Data record layout - Hospital details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = HOSP
State/Territory Identifier (State) [9] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186 Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Hospital Identifier (HospId) Char[5] 16 404239 AAAAA: Hospital identifier (equals Establishment number as reported for NMDS for Admitted Patient Care)
Sector (Sector) Char[1] 21 269977
Non-government Non-profit Indicator (NonProfitNgo) Char[1] 22 378745
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Hospital Name (HospName) Char[100] 23 407430 Common name used to identify the hospital.
Geographical Location of Establishment (EstArea) Char[9] 123 659774 Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2016). NNNNNNNNN
Co-Location Status (CoLocStatus) Char[1] 132 286995
2:Not co-located

Record length = 132


[9](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)

1.6.9. Service Unit Cluster data record

Table 1.12 Data record layout - Service Unit Cluster details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = CLUS
State/Territory Identifier (State) [10] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186 Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) Char[5] 16 404858 AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same.
Service Unit Cluster Name (ClusName) Char[100] 21 409209 If no cluster applies, enter organisation name as appears in previous line.

Record length = 120


[10](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)

1.6.10. Admitted Patient Service Unit data record

Table 1.13 Data record layout — Admitted Patient Service Unit details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = ADMI
State/Territory Identifier (State) [11] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186 Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Hospital Identifier (HospId) Char[5] 16 404239 AAAAA: Hospital identifier (equals Establishment number as reported for NMDS for Admitted Patient Care)
Admitted Patient Service Unit Identifier (AdmiId) Char[6] 21 404390 AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Local Hospital Network Identifier (LHNID) Number[3] 27 680985 NNN: A unique identifier for Local Hospital Networks (LHN) established by jurisdictions. Note, this does not form part of the identifier string. It is a separate item being collected to identify hospital reporting by LHN as a result of funding model changes.
Target Population (TargetPop) [12] Char[1] 30 682403
1:Child and adolescent
2:Older person
7:Not applicable
Program Type (ProgType) Char[1] 31 288889
1:Acute care
Admitted Patient Service Unit Name (AdmiName) Char[100] 32 407462 Common name used to identify the service unit.
National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status (StdsReviewSt) Char[1] 132 573549
1:The service unit had been reviewed by an external accreditation agency and was judged to have met the National standards.
2:The service unit had been reviewed by an external accreditation agency and was judged to have met some but not all of the National standards.
3:The service unit was in the process of being reviewed by an external accreditation agency but the outcomes were not known.
4:The service unit was booked for review by an external accreditation agency and was engaged in self-assessment preparation prior to the formal external review.
5:The service unit was engaged in self- assessment in relation to the National standards but did not have a contractual arrangement with an external accreditation agency for review.
6:The service unit had not commenced the preparations for review by an external accreditation agency but this was intended to be undertaken in the future.
7:It had not been resolved whether the service unit would undertake review by an external accreditation agency under the National standards.
8:The National standards are not applicable to this service unit.
Depreciation (Deprec) Number[9] 133 270279 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Total (ExpNonSalTot) Number[9] 142 287979

Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)] Total is calculated from expenditure including:

  • Administrative expenses
  • Domestic services
  • Drug supplies
  • Food supplies
  • Interest payments
  • Medical and surgical supplies
  • Patient transport costs
  • Payments to visiting medical officers
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Superannuation employer contributions
  • Other recurrent expenditure
Salaries and Wages - Total (ExpSalTot) Number[9] 151 296577 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)] Total is calculated from salaries and wages expenditure for all the staffing categories.
Average Available Beds for Overnight-stay Patients (AdmiNBeds) Number[10] 160 616014 Available bed—overnight-stay admitted care, average number of beds N[N(7).N]
Accrued Mental Health Care Days (MHCareDays) Number[8] 170 286770 Total number of days. N[N(7)]
Number of Separations (NSeps) Number[6] 178 270407 Total number of separations. N[NNNNN]
Average available beds for overnight-stay mental health hospital-in-the-home patients (HitHNBeds) Number[6] 184 646853 Available bed—overnight-stay mental health hospital-in-the-home care, average number of beds N[NNN.N]

Record length = 189


[11](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)
[12]METeOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS

1.6.11. Ambulatory Patient Service Unit data record

Table 1.14 Data record layout — Ambulatory Patient Service Unit details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = AMBU
State/Territory Identifier (State) [13] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186 Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) Char[5] 16 404858 AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same.
Ambulatory Service Unit Identifier (AmbuId) Char[6] 21 708804 AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Local Hospital Network Identifier (LHNID) Number[3] 27 680985 NNN: A unique identifier for Local Hospital Networks (LHN) established by jurisdictions. Note, this does not form part of the identifier string. It is a separate item being collected to identify hospital reporting by LHN as a result of funding model changes.
Target Population (TargetPop) [14] Char[1] 30 682403
1:Child and adolescent
2:Older person
7:Not applicable
Sector (Sector) Char[1] 31 269977
Non-government Non-profit Indicator (NonProfitNgo) Char[1] 32 378745
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Ambulatory Service Unit Name (AmbuName) Char[100] 33 708798 Common name used to identify the service unit.
Geographical Location of Establishment (EstArea) Char[9] 133 659774 Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2016). NNNNNNNNN
National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status (StdsReviewSt) Char[1] 142 573549
1:The service unit had been reviewed by an external accreditation agency and was judged to have met the National standards.
2:The service unit had been reviewed by an external accreditation agency and was judged to have met some but not all of the National standards.
3:The service unit was in the process of being reviewed by an external accreditation agency but the outcomes were not known.
4:The service unit was booked for review by an external accreditation agency and was engaged in self-assessment preparation prior to the formal external review.
5:The service unit was engaged in self- assessment in relation to the National standards but did not have a contractual arrangement with an external accreditation agency for review.
6:The service unit had not commenced the preparations for review by an external accreditation agency but this was intended to be undertaken in the future.
7:It had not been resolved whether the service unit would undertake review by an external accreditation agency under the National standards.
8:The National standards are not applicable to this service unit.
Depreciation (Deprec) Number[9] 143 270279 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Total (ExpNonSalTot) Number[9] 152 287979

Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)] Total is calculated from expenditure including:

  • Administrative expenses
  • Domestic services
  • Drug supplies
  • Food supplies
  • Interest payments
  • Medical and surgical supplies
  • Patient transport costs
  • Payments to visiting medical officers
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Superannuation employer contributions
  • Other recurrent expenditure
Salaries and Wages - Total (ExpSalTot) Number[9] 161 296577 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)] Total is calculated from salaries and wages expenditure for all the staffing categories.
Number of Clients Receiving Services (NClients) Number[6] 170 494391 NNNNNN
Number of Service Contacts (NCont) Number[6] 176 494401 NNNNNN

Record length = 181


[13](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)
[14]METeOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS

1.6.12. Residential Patient Service Unit data record

Table 1.15 Data record layout — Residential Patient Service Unit details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METeOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = RESI
State/Territory Identifier (State) [15] Char[1] 9 269941
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186 Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) Char[5] 16 404858 AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same.
Residential Service Unit Identifier (ResiId) Char[6] 21 404837 AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Local Hospital Network Identifier (LHNID) Number[3] 27 680985 NNN: A unique identifier for Local Hospital Networks (LHN) established by jurisdictions. Note, this does not form part of the identifier string. It is a separate item being collected to identify hospital reporting by LHN as a result of funding model changes.
Target Population (TargetPop) [16] Char[1] 30 682403
1:Child and adolescent
2:Older person
7:Not applicable
Hours Staffed (HrsStaffed) [17] Number[2] 31 288877  
Sector (Sector) Char[1] 33 269977
Non-government Non-profit Indicator (NonProfitNgo) Char[1] 34 378745
9:Not stated/inadequately described
Residential Service Unit Name (ResiName) Char[100] 35 407496 Common name used to identify the service unit.
Geographical Location of Establishment (EstArea) Char[9] 135 659774 Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2016). NNNNNNNNN
National Standards for Mental Health Services Review Status (StdsReviewSt) Char[1] 144 573549
1:The service unit had been reviewed by an external accreditation agency and was judged to have met the National standards.
2:The service unit had been reviewed by an external accreditation agency and was judged to have met some but not all of the National standards.
3:The service unit was in the process of being reviewed by an external accreditation agency but the outcomes were not known.
4:The service unit was booked for review by an external accreditation agency and was engaged in self-assessment preparation prior to the formal external review.
5:The service unit was engaged in self- assessment in relation to the National standards but did not have a contractual arrangement with an external accreditation agency for review.
6:The service unit had not commenced the preparations for review by an external accreditation agency but this was intended to be undertaken in the future.
7:It had not been resolved whether the service unit would undertake review by an external accreditation agency under the National standards.
8:The National standards are not applicable to this service unit.
Depreciation (Deprec) Number[9] 145 270279 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)]
Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure - Total (ExpNonSalTot) Number[9] 154 287979

Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)] Total is calculated from expenditure including:

  • Administrative expenses
  • Domestic services
  • Drug supplies
  • Food supplies
  • Interest payments
  • Medical and surgical supplies
  • Patient transport costs
  • Payments to visiting medical officers
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Superannuation employer contributions
  • Other recurrent expenditure
Salaries and Wages - Total (ExpSalTot) Number[9] 163 296577 Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. N[N(8)] Total is calculated from salaries and wages expenditure for all the staffing categories.
Average Available Beds for Residential Mental Health Patients (ResiNBeds) Number[6] 172 373650 Average available beds, rounded to the first decimal point. NNNN.N
Accrued Mental Health Care Days (MHCareDays) Number[8] 178 286770 Total number of days. N[N(7)]
Number of Episodes of Residential Care (NEpi) Number[4] 186 534013 The total number of episodes of residential care. NNNN

Record length = 189


[15](Meteor includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS)
[16]METeOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the MHE NMDS
[17]The average number of hours staffed per 24-hour period. NN