11. Acknowledgments¶
While this document is published under the authority of the Commonwealth, it was developed in collaboration with the States and Territories through the organisational arrangements for the implementation of the National Mental Health Strategy. The National Mental Health Information Strategy Standing Committee (MHISSC), a subcommittee of the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council (AHMAC) Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Principal Committee, served as the expert committee that provided guidance and advice with respect to the specification of the National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC).
Suggested citation for this document:
Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: Technical specification of State and Territory reporting requirements, Version 2.0. Department of Health, Canberra, 2017.
Previous version of the NOCC Technical Specifications:
Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: Technical specification of State and Territory reporting requirements, Version 1.90. Department of Health, Canberra, 2016.
Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: Technical specification of State and Territory reporting requirements, Version 1.80. Department of Health, Canberra, 2015.
Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: Technical specification of State and Territory reporting requirements, Version 1.70. Department of Health, Canberra, 2013.
Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: Technical specification of State and Territory reporting requirements, Version 1.60. Department of Health & Ageing, Canberra, 2009.
Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: Technical specification of State and Territory reporting requirements for the outcomes and casemix components of ‘Agreed Data’, Version 1.50. Department of Health & Ageing, Canberra, 2003.
Other related publications:
National Mental Health Information Development Expert Advisory Panel. Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: NOCC Strategic Directions 2014 – 2024. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2013.
National Mental Health Information Priorities 2nd Edition. Department of Health & Ageing, Canberra, 2005. Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection: Overview of clinician rated and consumer self-report measures, Version 1.5. Department of Health & Ageing, Canberra, 2003.
Comments on the document should be forwarded to:
Director, Mental Health Data and Funding, Mental Health Services Branch, Australian Government Department of Health, MDP 11,GPO Box 9848 CANBERRA ACT 2601.