1. 2019-20 RMHC NMDS¶
1.1. Essential definitions¶
1.2. Changes for 2019-20¶
The specific detailed changes to the 2019-20 specifications (version 5.40), compared to the 2018-19 (version 5.30) specifications, are detailed below.
1.2.1. Changes to the data model¶
No changes to the data model have been made.
1.2.2. Changes to definitions¶
The definitional changes to the 2019-20 specifications, compared to 2018-19 are listed in Table 1.1.
Data item | Details | Rationale |
Episode of care - principal diagnosis, code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn) ANN{.N[N]} | Updated ICD-10-AM version to 11th Edition. | Updated to align with the APC NMDS. |
Episode of care - additional diagnosis, code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn) ANN{.N[N]} | Updated ICD-10-AM version to 11th Edition. | Updated to align with the APC NMDS. |
Episode of residential care - mental health care referral destination, code N | Updated link to Data Element Concept which links to updated Property. | The Property and Data Element Concept definitions have been updated. |
Episode of residential care - episode start date, DDMMYYYY | Updated link to Data Element Concept. | Data Element Concept definition has been updated. |
1.3. Reporting service provider entities¶
The reporting of service entities aims to create relationships between the mental health NMDSs, and where possible, the National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC), Public Hospital Establishments (PHE) NMDS and Admitted Patient Care (APC) NMDS (see Table 1.2).
The identifiers used in the RMHC NMDS are:
- State or territory (1 character)
- Region (2 characters)
- Specialised mental health service organisation (4 characters)
- Service unit cluster (5 characters)
- Service unit (6 characters)
Identifier element names | METeOR identifier | Community mental health care NMDS | Residential mental health care NMDS | Mental health establishments NMDS | Local hospital networks/Public hospital establishments NMDS | Admitted patient care NMDS |
Australian State or Territory identifier | 269941 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Region identifier | 269940 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Specialised mental health service organisation identifier | 404186 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Hospital/Service unit cluster identifier | 404239 (MHE) / 404858 (MHE, CMHC & RMHC) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Service unit identifier | 404390 (MHE) / 708804 (MHE, CMHC) / 404837 (MHE, RMHC) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
The use of identical identifiers between the various mental health data sets is tested via the Mental Health Establishments Skeleton file (SKL), handled by the MDS Validator. The reports section of the RMHC submission will highlight any mismatches which should be rectified either through re-supply of the Skeleton file, or adjustment to the RMHC submission.
The following section explores in more detail the reporting levels used in the RMHC NMDS.
1.3.1. State or territory¶
This level refers to the state or territory and should be reported using the State/Territory identifier data element.
1.3.2. Region¶
The region refers to an administrative concept not a geographical one. States and territories may have one or more regions into which the state or territory is divided and to which its mental health service organisations belong. Region would be reported using the Region identifier (RegId) data element. In the smaller states or in the territories there may only be one or no region. In these cases, the Region identifier is to be reported as ‘00’ and the Region name (RegName) would repeat the name of the State or Territory.
1.3.3. Organisation¶
The organisation is defined according to the Object class Specialised mental health service organisation (METeOR identifier 286449) and reported using the Organisation Identifier (OrgId) data element. An organisation is a separately constituted specialised mental health service that is responsible for the clinical governance, administration and financial management of service units providing specialised mental health care. An organisation may consist of one or more service units based in different locations.
1.3.4. Service unit cluster¶
A specialised mental health service organisation may consist of one or more clusters of service units providing services in admitted patient, residential and/or ambulatory settings. For example, a specialised mental health service organisation may consist of several hospitals (clusters of admitted patient service units) and/or two or more ambulatory or residential service clusters (for example, a cluster of child and adolescent ambulatory service units, and a cluster of aged residential service units).
To allow service units (as defined below) to be reported individually, but still to be identified as part of a cluster, a separate reporting level has been created called ‘Service unit cluster’.
Residential service units will not necessarily belong to a ‘cluster’. However, groups of residential service units could be usefully reported as clusters. For example, clusters may exist of groups of residential services for aged persons in particular geographical areas. Where there is no service unit cluster then all service units within the organisation should be identified under a Service unit cluster identifier reported as ‘00000’ and the Service unit cluster name would use the relevant organisation name.
1.3.5. Service units¶
Service units in-scope for reporting to the RMHC NMDS must be identical to those reported to the MHE NMDS—that is, at a minimum disaggregated by operator (government-operated and non government operated), hours staffed (24-hour staffed and non-24-hour staffed), and Target population, even though hours staffed and target population are not reporting requirements for the RMHC NMDS.
1.3.6. Sector¶
Sector is not considered part of the identifier, however, within this NMDS, sector is an important attribute for each service unit.
1.3.7. Consistency of identifiers across reference periods¶
Where no major service reorganisations have occurred, the region, organisation, service unit cluster and service unit identifiers (RegId, OrgId, ClusId, SUId) used by a jurisdiction should be preferably identical to the previous year. However, given that all jurisdictions have committed to aligning ID numbers between the different NMDSs, changes in ID numbers due to this process will be accepted, as will be the case for those jurisdictions that have undergone significant reorganisation of service delivery that warrant new service entity identifiers. In these cases, jurisdictions should provide a supplementary mapping document that clearly illustrates the changes in ID numbers between collection periods, at all levels.
Region, organisation, service unit cluster and service unit name changes are acceptable, especially if the new name is more locally relevant. These will be identified as a change in the MDS Validator, however will not affect the generation of the historical trends reports for RMHC in future.
1.4. Data model of the RMHC Extract¶
The basic design of the extract consists of a single data record for each Episode of residential care. Each Episode of residential care ‘belongs’ to a Person (the patient or consumer of services), who in turn is linked to a Residential mental health service unit (the provider of services), which may be linked to a Residential service unit cluster, which is linked to a Specialised mental health service organisation, which is linked to a Region which is linked to a State/Territory.
The structure of the data to be reported is represented in the data model shown in Fig. 1.1. In the model, a single Residential mental health service unit has associated records for one or more Persons, who each may have one or more Episodes of residential care. Each of the six data model building blocks (region, organisation, service unit cluster, service unit, person, episodes) has a unique set of attributes which comprise the NMDS data elements and additional supplementary information.
Two features of the model should be noted:
- First, details of the residential service units reporting episode of residential care data are incorporated as part of the data extract, allowing linkage to related data sets provided by states and territories (in particular, the MHE NMDS).
- Second, non-volatile person-level data in respect of patients (Date of Birth, Sex, Country of Birth, Indigenous Status) are separated from person-level data items that may change between episodes. This is designed to remove the redundancy that would occur if all patient-level data items were reported with each episode record and allow more straightforward counts/analysis at client level.

Fig. 1.1 Data model underlying the Residential Mental Health Care NMDS data extract
1.5. Data integrity¶
For cases of missing data (that is, unknown, not stated or not available):
- For Numeric [Num] fields, the data should be reported as zero, using leading zeros when necessary to pad out the field to the required length. The principle here is that all numeric fields require a valid value.
- For Text [Char] fields, the data should be space-filled to the required length. For single character fields where a ‘missing/not stated’ value has been specified for a particular data element (for example, ‘9’ has been specified for missing data), use the stated value for ‘missing/not stated’ rather than simply space filling.
Values in Date [Date] fields must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National health data dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13 March 2020 would appear as 13032020.
Values in Numeric [Num] fields must be zero-filled and right-justified. These should consist only of the numerals 0 to 9 and the decimal (‘.’) point if applicable to the data element.
Note: Fields defined as ‘Numeric’ are those that have numeric properties—that is, the values, for example, can be added or subtracted in a manner that is valid. Where a field uses numeric characters that do not have these properties (for example, the use of numbers for Patient identifier), the field is defined as ‘Character’.
Values in Character [Char] fields must be left justified and space-filled. These should consist of any of the printable ASCII character set (that is, excluding control codes such as newline, bell and linefeed).
1.6. Dataset specification (DSS)¶
The file structure for the transmission of data from jurisdictions to the AIHW is a single Fixed Format data file. The following tables specify the order in which the data items should be provided to the AIHW.
The extract format consists of a set of hierarchically ordered Data records, of which there are six types (see Table 1.3):
- Region details records
- Organisation details records
- Service unit cluster details records
- Service unit details records
- Person details records
- Episode of residential care details records
In each extract file for any given period, the Data records must be preceded by a single File Header Record having the structure outlined below in Table 1.4.
All records presented in the extract file should be grouped in the following order: Header Record, Region details records, Organisation details records, Service unit details records, Person details records, followed by Episode of residential care records.
With the exception of Region, Organisation and Service unit cluster details records, all Data records should include the following elements in the order shown:
- Record Type
- Establishment identifier (comprising: State/Territory identifier, Region identifier, Organisation identifier, Service unit cluster identifier and Service unit identifier)
- Specific data in the format specified for the given record type.
The order of fields in a record must be the same as the order they are specified in the Record Layouts below. Field values should be formatted as shown in the Record Layouts.
The first field in each record must be Record Type. Valid values are shown in Table 1.3.
Record Type | Description |
HR | File Header Record |
REG | Region details records |
ORG | Organisation details records |
CLUS | Service unit cluster details records |
SERV | Service unit details records |
PER | Person details records |
EPI | Episode of residential care details records |
1.6.1. File header record¶
The first record of the extract file must be a File Header Record (Record Type = ‘HR’), and it must be the only such record in the file.
The File Header Record is a quality control mechanism, which uniquely identifies each file that is sent to the AIHW (that is, who sent the file, what date the file was sent, batch number of file, etc). The information contained in the header fields will be checked against the actual details of the file to ensure that the file received has not been corrupted.
The layout of the File Header Record is shown in Table 1.4.
Data Element (Field Name) | Type [Length] | Start | METeOR Identifier | Notes / Values | ||||||||||||||||
Record Type (RecType) | Char[8] | 1 | — | Value = HR | ||||||||||||||||
State/Territory Identifier (State) [1] | Char[1] | 9 | 269941 |
Batch Number (BatchNo) | Char[9] | 10 | — | Represents the YYYYNNNNN component of the extract file name. | ||||||||||||||||
Report Period Start Date (RepStart) | Date[8] | 19 | — | Report period start date | ||||||||||||||||
Report Period End Date (RepEnd) | Date[8] | 27 | — | Report period end date | ||||||||||||||||
Data File Generation Date (GenDt) | Date[8] | 35 | — | Data file generation date | ||||||||||||||||
Data File Type (FileType) | Char[4] | 43 | — | Value = RMHC | ||||||||||||||||
RMHC Specification Version Number (SpecVer) | Char[5] | 47 | — | Value = 05.40 |
Record length = 51
[1] | METEoR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the RMHC NMDS |
1.6.2. Region data record¶
The extract format for the Data records is specified in detail in tables Table 1.4 to Table 1.10. The order of fields in each record must be the same as the order they are shown below. Field values should be formatted as specified.
Data Element (Field Name) | Type [Length] | Start | METeOR Identifier | Notes / Values | ||||||||||||||||
Record Type (RecType) | Char[8] | 1 | — | Value = REG | ||||||||||||||||
State/Territory Identifier (State) [2] | Char[1] | 9 | 269941 |
Region Identifier (RegId) | Char[2] | 10 | 269940 | AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction) Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Region Name (RegName) | Char[60] | 12 | 407187 | Common name used to identify the Region. |
Record length = 71
[2] | METEoR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the RMHC NMDS |
1.6.3. Organisation data record¶
Data Element (Field Name) | Type [Length] | Start | METeOR Identifier | Notes / Values | ||||||||||||||||
Record Type (RecType) | Char[8] | 1 | — | Value = ORG | ||||||||||||||||
State/Territory Identifier (State) [3] | Char[1] | 9 | 269941 |
Region Identifier (RegId) | Char[2] | 10 | 269940 | AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction) Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) | Char[4] | 12 | 404186 | AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Organisation Name (OrgName) | Char[100] | 16 | 405767 | Common name used to identify the Organisation |
Record length = 115
[3] | METEoR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the RMHC NMDS |
1.6.4. Service unit cluster data record¶
Data Element (Field Name) | Type [Length] | Start | METeOR Identifier | Notes / Values | ||||||||||||||||
Record Type (RecType) | Char[8] | 1 | — | Value = CLUS | ||||||||||||||||
State/Territory Identifier (State) [4] | Char[1] | 9 | 269941 |
Region Identifier (RegId) | Char[2] | 10 | 269940 | AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction) Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) | Char[4] | 12 | 404186 | AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) | Char[5] | 16 | 404858 | AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same. | ||||||||||||||||
Service Unit Cluster Name (ClusName) | Char[100] | 21 | 409209 | If no cluster applies, enter organisation name as appears in previous line. |
Record length = 120
[4] | METEoR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the RMHC NMDS |
1.6.5. Residential service unit data record¶
Data Element (Field Name) | Type [Length] | Start | METeOR Identifier | Notes / Values | ||||||||||||||||
Record Type (RecType) | Char[8] | 1 | — | Value = SERV | ||||||||||||||||
State/Territory Identifier (State) [5] | Char[1] | 9 | 269941 |
Region Identifier (RegId) | Char[2] | 10 | 269940 | AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction) Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) | Char[4] | 12 | 404186 | AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) | Char[5] | 16 | 404858 | AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same. | ||||||||||||||||
Residential Service Unit Identifier (SUId) | Char[6] | 21 | 404837 | AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Residential Service Unit Name (SUName) | Char[100] | 27 | 407496 | Common name used to identify the service unit | ||||||||||||||||
Sector (Sector) | Char[1] | 127 | 269977 |
Record length = 127
[5] | METEoR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the RMHC NMDS |
1.6.6. Residential person data record¶
Where multiple values for Sex, Date of birth, Country of birth, or Indigenous status are recorded for different service contacts for one PersId, data providers should adopt the value recorded for the last valid service contact.
Data Element (Field Name) | Type [Length] | Start | METeOR Identifier | Notes / Values | ||||||||||||||||
Record Type (RecType) | Char[8] | 1 | — | Value = PER | ||||||||||||||||
State/Territory Identifier (State) [6] | Char[1] | 9 | 269941 |
Region Identifier (RegId) | Char[2] | 10 | 269940 | AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction) Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) | Char[4] | 12 | 404186 | AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) | Char[5] | 16 | 404858 | AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same. | ||||||||||||||||
Residential Service Unit Identifier (SUId) | Char[6] | 21 | 404837 | AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Person Identifier (PersId) | Char[20] | 27 | 290046 | Person identifier is unique and stable for each individual patient within each service unit. Individual service units or collection authorities may use their own alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric coding systems. | ||||||||||||||||
Sex (Sex) | Char[1] | 47 | 635126 |
Date of Birth (DoB) | Date[8] | 48 | 287007 | The date of birth of the person. | ||||||||||||||||
Estimated Date of Birth Flag (DoBFlag) [7] | Char[1] | 56 | — |
Country of Birth (CoB) | Char[4] | 57 | 659454 | The country in which the person was born. To be provided in accordance with the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC). ABS catalogue no. 1269.0 (2016). Values from 1601-1607, inclusive, are not permitted in this NMDS (Antarctica). | ||||||||||||||||
Indigenous Status (IndigSt) | Char[1] | 61 | 602543 |
Record length = 61
[6] | METEoR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the RMHC NMDS |
[7] | Optional data element providing additional information regarding the quality of date of birth data. Code 1 should be used when it is known that the reported date of birth is accurate, code 2 when it is known that one or more parts of the date of birth is an estimate, code 8 when birth date is unknown and a ‘dummy’ date of birth has been used (that is, 09099999), and code 9 when it is not known whether the date of birth is accurate or an estimate. |
1.6.7. Episode of residential care data record¶
Data Element (Field Name) | Type [Length] | Start | METeOR Identifier | Notes / Values | ||||||||||||||||||
Record Type (RecType) | Char[8] | 1 | — | Value = EPI | ||||||||||||||||||
State/Territory Identifier (State) [8] | Char[1] | 9 | 269941 |
Region Identifier (RegId) | Char[2] | 10 | 269940 | AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction) Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) | Char[4] | 12 | 404186 | AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) | Char[5] | 16 | 404858 | AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same. | ||||||||||||||||||
Residential Service Unit Identifier (SUId) | Char[6] | 21 | 404837 | AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in the NMDS for Mental Health Establishments. |
Person Identifier (PersId) | Char[20] | 27 | 290046 | Person identifier is unique and stable for each individual patient within each service unit. Individual service units or collection authorities may use their own alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric coding systems. | ||||||||||||||||||
State/Territory Record Identifier (RecordId) | Char[10] | 47 | — | This should be a stable number in the data collection of the jurisdiction. | ||||||||||||||||||
Episode of Residential Care Start Date (EpiStartDt) | Date[8] | 57 | 707514 | Valid date expressed as DDMMYYYY Date on which resident formally or statistically starts an episode of residential care. |
Episode of Residential Care Start Mode (EpiStartMode) | Char[1] | 65 | 525026 |
Episode of Residential Care End Date (EpiEndDt) | Date[8] | 66 | 685913 | Date on which resident formally or statistically ends an episode of residential care. | ||||||||||||||||||
Episode of Residential Care End Mode (EpiEndMode) | Char[1] | 74 | 524966 |
Leave Days From Residential Care (NLeaveDays) | Number[3] | 75 | 685908 | Represented as NNN. | ||||||||||||||||||
Residential Stay Start Date (ResStartDt) | Date[8] | 78 | 534061 | Date on which resident formally started a residential stay. | ||||||||||||||||||
Principal Diagnosis (DxPrinc) | Char[6] | 86 | 699609 | Represented as ANN.NN The diagnosis established after study to be chiefly responsible for occasioning an episode of residential care, as represented by a code. The principal diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 1 (DxAdd01) | Char[6] | 92 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 2 (DxAdd02) | Char[6] | 98 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 3 (DxAdd03) | Char[6] | 104 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 4 (DxAdd04) | Char[6] | 110 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 5 (DxAdd05) | Char[6] | 116 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 6 (DxAdd06) | Char[6] | 122 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 7 (DxAdd07) | Char[6] | 128 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 8 (DxAdd08) | Char[6] | 134 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 9 (DxAdd09) | Char[6] | 140 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Additional Diagnosis 10 (DxAdd10) | Char[6] | 146 | 699606 | Represented as ANN.NN Refers to a condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of residential care. The additional diagnosis must be a valid code from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) (11th Edition) or from the ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An integrated classification and diagnostic tool for community based mental health services (1st Edition). |
Mental Health Legal Status (LegalSt) | Char[1] | 152 | 534063 |
Marital Status (MaritalSt) | Char[1] | 153 | 291045 |
Area of Usual Residence (ResArea) | Char[9] | 154 | 659725 | Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2016) NNNNNNNNN | ||||||||||||||||||
Referral From Specialised Mental Health Residential Care (ReferralMHRC) | Char[1] | 163 | 706676 |
Record length = 163
[8] | METEoR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to the RMHC NMDS |