1. Overview of the SKL

The data model for all mental health data sets includes a hierarchy describing the layers of mental health service delivery systems, for example, regional and organisational levels, and is an important design feature of the mental health collections. Ideally, the hierarchy reported by jurisdictions should be repeated among their various mental health data collections.

The Mental Health Information Strategy Standing Committee (MHISSC), and its National Minimum Data Set Subcommittee, agreed to a number of key principles to scrutinise the hierarchies reported in the various mental health data sets. In essence, the committees agreed to provide a ‘Skeleton’ of the Mental Health Establishments (MHE) National Minimum Dataset (NMDS), to be known as an SKL dataset, at the same time in the reporting cycle as the Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care NMDSs, and the National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC). This ‘Skeleton’ is considered the ‘gold standard’ against which all other mental health data files are compared, including the CMHC, RMHC, NOCC and MHE files.

The Online Validator supports the mental health collections as the vehicle for checking data submissions and provides the necessary interactive space for discussions about data issues between various stakeholders. The Online Validator has the capacity to check the hierarchy between collections, as well as identifying changes compared to previous submissions, using the comparisons with the SKL file.

The purpose of this module is to outline the layout and format of the Mental Health Establishments Skeleton (SKL) dataset to be submitted by States and Territories to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and Department of Health and Aged Care in respect of the 2023-24 year. The file is identical in structure to an MHE file, however, is limited to key components of the MHE file in order to facilitate the ‘between-data set’ comparisons.

1.1. Changes for 2023-24

The specific detailed changes to the 2023-24 (version 4.01) specifications, compared to 2022-23 (version 4.00) are listed below.

1.1.1. Changes to the data model

No changes to the data model have been made.

1.1.2. Changes to definitions

No changes have been made to any of the relevant definitions.

1.2. Principles and agreements

The SKL submission has been built using the following principles.

Table 1.1 Valid values for Record Type
  Decision Notes
Timeline December of the reporting cycle.

The supply of the MHE NMDS skeleton should occur in December of the reporting cycle, along with CMHC, RMHC and NOCC files, noting that it would be ideal to be able to supply the file earlier.

The MHE Skeleton file does not have to be submitted before all other file types for the collection year. The processes comparing between files will only occur once a relevant file has been loaded. However, between file comparisons will only be made on reviewer accepted files, i.e. those that have passed stage 1 validation.

When a replacement SKL file is submitted, all dependant files will be re-compared with the revised SKL automatically.

File type MHE Skeleton file is an independent file type This assists the processes managed by the MDS Validator. When uploading a file, there will be an option to specify if the file is a MHE Skeleton submission or a full MHE file.
File structure Structurally equivalent to the full MHE file. The MHE skeleton file must meet Stage 1—structural Compliance tests for any MHE file, for example, line lengths and zero filling. An appropriate set of Stage 1—Structural Checks will be undertaken on the mandatory data elements of the MHE NMDS skeleton file, including checks for malformed, duplicate, orphan, barren and miscoded records, plus missing data in mandatory fields. Importantly, failure of these rules will require resubmission of the MHE NMDS skeleton file, in accordance with existing file submission processes.
File content The mandatory items included in the MHE NMDS skeleton include only those identifiers and attributes that permit comparison between the NMDSs. All non-mandatory items will be blanked out with spaced during the file submission process. Note that this does not prevent jurisdictions from providing ‘real’ data in non-mandatory data elements when loading the file, however, blanking out this information will ensure confidentiality is maintained as part of the upload process.
Historical comparisons An appropriate set of Stage 2—Historical Checks will be made on the entities in the MHE NMDS skeleton file, focusing on attributes that will be used for comparisons with the other data sets. This will generate an issues list that will require jurisdictional input as per existing validation processes. Logicly is investigating the technical feasibility of automatically transferring any responses made to the issues lists at this stage across to the replacement MHE file, as per existing processes, when the ‘complete MHE NMDS’ file is proposed.
Parental exclusions Issues raised at each subsequent level of analysis, starting at Regional level and progressing to Service Unit level, excludes issues related to non-matching parent entities. This will reduce the burden on jurisdictions to respond to issues generated by problems with the parent entity. By way of example, if a region in the MHE skeleton cannot be identified in a RMHC file, issues would not be generated for any subsequent Organisations and Service Units within that region.
Attributes not considered for comparison

Entity names

Entity geography

At this stage, the comparison of these attributes is not considered a high priority. This decision may be revisited in the future.
Comparison outputs Issues list and reports. Each non-matching entity will generate an issue in a similar way to existing issue list generation. A summary ‘Validation MHE Comparison Report’ will be developed to supplement the existing reports for each of the MHE, CMHC, RMHC and NOCC report views.

1.3. Comparisons

The following comparisons between the SKL and other data sets are made in the Online Validator. Comparisons between data sets are made only on those entities that are logical to compare. For example, an organisation in the SKL may only have admitted and ambulatory services. In this case, a check for the existence of a service unit between the SKL and the RMHC file would not be logical.

1.3.1. Region and organisation level comparisons

Regional and organisation entity matching is considered a minimum requirement, regardless of the collections being compared.

1.3.2. SKL vs. RMHC service unit level comparisons

SKL vs. RMHC comparisons will be made according to the following.

Analysis level SKL data element RMHC data element
Region level RegId RegId
Organisational level RegId, OrgId RegId, OrgId
Service unit RegId, OrgId, ResiId RegId, OrgId, SUId

1.3.3. SKL vs. CMHC service unit level comparisons

SKL vs. CMHC comparisons will be made according to the following.

  SKL data element CMHC data element
Region level RegId RegId
Organisational level RegId, OrgId RegId, OrgId
Service unit level RegId, OrgId, AMBU_TargetPop RegId, OrgId, SERV.TargetPop

1.3.4. SKL vs. NOCC entity comparisons

SKL vs. NOCC comparisons will be made according to the following.

Analysis level SKL data element NOCC data element
Region level RegId RegId
Organisational level RegId, OrgId RegId, OrgId
Hospital level RegId, OrgId, HospId RegId, OrgId, HospId
Admitted service unit RegId, OrgId, AdmiId RegId, OrgId, SUId, SUType=1
Residential service unit RegId, OrgId, ResiId RegId, OrgId, SUId, SUType=2
Ambulatory service unit RegId, OrgId, AMBU_TargetPop RegId, OrgId, (SUId_Targetpop,SUType=3)

1.3.5. Data Integrity

For cases of missing data (that is, unknown, not stated or not available):

  • For Numeric [Num] fields, the data should be reported as zero, using leading zeros when necessary to pad out the field to the required length. The principle here is that all numeric fields require a valid value.
  • For Text [Char] fields, the data should be space-filled to the required length. For single character fields where a ‘missing/not stated’ value has been specified for a particular data element (for example, ‘9’ has been specified for missing data), use the stated value for ‘missing/not stated’ rather than simply space filling.

Values in Date [Date] fields must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National health data dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13 March 2024 would appear as 13032024.

Values in Numeric [Num] fields must be zero-filled and right-justified. These should consist only of the numerals 0 to 9 and the decimal (’.’) point if applicable to the data element.

Note: Fields defined as ‘Numeric’ are those that have numeric properties—that is, the values, for example, can be added or subtracted in a manner that is valid. Where a field uses numeric characters that do not have these properties (for example, the use of numbers for Patient identifier), the field is defined as ‘Character’.

Values in Character [Char] fields must be left justified and space-filled. These should consist of any of the printable ASCII character set (that is, excluding control codes such as newline, bell and linefeed).

1.4. Dataset specifications (DSS)

The following tables specify the order in which the data items should be provided to the AIHW.

The extract format consists of a set of hierarchically ordered Data records, of which there are eleven types (see Table 1.2). In each extract file for any given period, the Data records must be preceded by a single File Header Record having the structure outlined in Table 1.3.

All records presented in the extract file should be grouped in the following order: Header Record; State/Territory details records; Region details records; Organisation details records; Organisation full-time equivalent staff by service setting details records; Hospital/Service unit cluster details records; and Service unit details records.

With the exception of Region, Organisation and Service unit cluster details records, all data records should include the following elements in the order shown:

  • Record type
  • Establishment identifier (comprising: State/Territory identifier; Region identifier; Organisation identifier; Hospital identifier/Service unit cluster identifier; and Service unit identifier)
  • Specific data in the format specified for the given record type.

The order of fields in a record must be the same as the order they are listed in the Record Layouts specified below. Field values should be formatted as specified in the Record Layouts.

The first field in each record must be Record Type. Valid values for Record Type are shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Valid values for Record Type
Record Type Description
HR File Header Record
ST State/Territory details records
STNGOE State MH NGOE Payments records
REG Region details records
REGNGOE Region MH NGOE Payments records
ORG Organisation details records
FTEORG Organisation full-time equivalent staff by service setting details records
HOSP Hospital details records
CLUS Service unit cluster details records
ADMI Admitted patient service unit details records
AMBU Ambulatory service unit details records
RESI Residential service unit details records

NGOE records may be supplied but do not contribute to the SKL checking processes.

1.4.1. File header record

The first record of the extract file must be a File Header Record (Record Type = ‘HR’), and it must be the only such record in the file.

The File Header Record is a quality control mechanism, which uniquely identifies each file that is submitted to the Online Validator.

The layout of the File Header Record is shown in Table 1.3.

Table 1.3 Record Layout for File Header Record within the data extract Data record layout
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = HR
State/Territory Identifier (State) [1] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Batch Number (BatchNo) Char[9] 10 Represents the YYYYNNNNN component of the extract file name.
Report Period Start Date (RepStart) Date[8] 19 Report period start date
Report Period End Date (RepEnd) Date[8] 27 Report period end date
Data File Generation Date (GenDt) Date[8] 35 Data file generation date
Data File Type (FileType) Char[3] 43
MHE:For compatibility with MHE files
SKL:Explicit SKL file type
SKL Specification Version Number (SpecVer) Char[5] 46 Value = 04.01

Record length = 50


[1](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.2. State/Territory data record

The extract format for the Data records is specified in detail in Table 1.4 to Table 1.14. The order of fields in each record must be the same as the order they are shown below. Field values should be formatted as specified.

Table 1.4 Data record layout - State/Territory details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = ST
State/Territory Identifier (State) [2] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
State/Territory Name (StateName) Char[28] 10 Name used to identify the State/Territory
Blank 186 Spacing Field (Blank186) Blank[186] 38 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 223


[2](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.3. State MH NGOE Payments data record

Table 1.5 Data record layout - State MH NGOE Payments
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = STNGOE
State/Territory Identifier (State) [3] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Blank 11 Spacing Field (Blank11) Blank[11] 10 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 20


[3](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.4. Region data record

Table 1.6 Data record layout - Region details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = REG
State/Territory Identifier (State) [4] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Region Name (RegName) Char[60] 12 407187 Common name used to identify the Region.
Blank 180 Spacing Field (Blank180) Blank[180] 72 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 251


[4](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.5. Region MH NGOE Payments data record

Table 1.7 Data record layout - Region MH NGOE Payments
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = REGNGOE
State/Territory Identifier (State) [5] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Blank 11 Spacing Field (Blank11) Blank[11] 12 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 22


[5](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.6. Organisation data record

Table 1.8 Data record layout - ​Organisation Details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = ORG
State/Territory Identifier (State) [6] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186

AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier.

Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.

Organisation Name (OrgName) Char[100] 16 405767 Common name used to identify the Organisation
Blank 539 Spacing Field (Blank539) Blank[539] 116 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 654


[6](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.7. Organisation: FTE staff by Service Setting data record

Table 1.9 Data record layout - ​Organisation: FTE staff by Service Setting data record
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = FTEORG
State/Territory Identifier (State) [7] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186

AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier.

Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.

Service Setting (Setting) Char[1] 16 493347
1:Admitted patient care setting
2:Residential care setting
3:Ambulatory care setting
4:Organisational overhead setting
Blank 57 Spacing Field (Blank57) Blank[57] 17 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 73


[7](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.8. Hospital data record

Table 1.10 Data record layout - ​Hospital details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = HOSP
State/Territory Identifier (State) [8] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186

AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier.

Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.

Hospital Identifier (HospId) Char[5] 16 722233 AAAAA: Hospital identifier (equals Establishment number as reported for NMDS for Admitted Patient Care)
Sector (Sector) Char[1] 21 269977
Blank 1 Spacing Field (Blank1) Blank[1] 22 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values
Hospital Name (HospName) Char[100] 23 407430 Common name used to identify the hospital.
Blank 10 Spacing Field (Blank10) Blank[10] 123 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 132


[8](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.9. Service Unit Cluster data record

Table 1.11 Data record layout - ​Service Unit Cluster Details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = CLUS
State/Territory Identifier (State) [9] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186

AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier.

Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.

Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) Char[5] 16 404858 AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same.
Service Unit Cluster Name (ClusName) Char[100] 21 409209 If no cluster applies, enter organisation name as appears in previous line.

Record length = 120


[9](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)

1.4.10. Admitted Patient Service Unit data record

Table 1.12 Data record layout - ​Admitted Patient Service Unit Details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = ADMI
State/Territory Identifier (State) [10] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186

AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier.

Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.

Hospital Identifier (HospId) Char[5] 16 722233 AAAAA: Hospital identifier (equals Establishment number as reported for NMDS for Admitted Patient Care)
Admitted Patient Service Unit Identifier (AdmiId) Char[6] 21 721740 AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Blank 3 Spacing Field (Blank3) Blank[3] 27 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values
Target Population (TargetPop) [11] Char[1] 30 682403
1:Child and adolescent
2:Older person
7:Not applicable
Blank 1 Spacing Field (Blank1) Blank[1] 31 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values
Admitted Patient Service Unit Name (AdmiName) Char[100] 32 721830 Common name used to identify the service unit.
Blank 58 Spacing Field (Blank58) Blank[58] 132 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 189


[10](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)
[11]Code 7 only applies to FTEORG usage, METEOR code 9 does not apply

1.4.11. Ambulatory Service Unit data record

Table 1.13 Data record layout - ​Ambulatory Service Unit Details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = AMBU
State/Territory Identifier (State) [12] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186

AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier.

Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.

Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) Char[5] 16 404858 AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same.
Ambulatory Service Unit Identifier (AmbuId) Char[6] 21 750360 AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Blank 3 Spacing Field (Blank3) Blank[3] 27 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values
Target Population (TargetPop) [13] Char[1] 30 682403
1:Child and adolescent
2:Older person
7:Not applicable
Sector (Sector) Char[1] 31 269977
Blank 1 Spacing Field (Blank1) Blank[1] 32 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values
Ambulatory Service Unit Name (AmbuName) Char[100] 33 750374 Common name used to identify the service unit.
Blank 49 Spacing Field (Blank49) Blank[49] 133 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 181


[12](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)
[13]Code 7 only applies to FTEORG usage, METEOR code 9 does not apply

1.4.12. Residential Service Unit data record

Table 1.14 Data record layout - ​Residential Service Unit Details
Data Element (Field Name) Type [Length] Start METEOR Identifier Notes / Values
Record Type (RecType) Char[8] 1 Value = RESI
State/Territory Identifier (State) [14] Char[1] 9 720081
1:New South Wales
4:South Australia
5:Western Australia
7:Northern Territory
8:Australian Capital Territory
Region Identifier (RegId) Char[2] 10 269940 AA: Region (values as specified by individual jurisdiction). Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Organisation Identifier (OrgId) Char[4] 12 404186

AAAA: Mental health service organisation identifier.

Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.

Service Unit Cluster Identifier (ClusId) Char[5] 16 404858 AAAAA: An identifier to indicate that a service unit is one of a cluster of service units, defined through administrative or clinical governance arrangements. If no cluster applies, set to 00000. As this field enables linking with the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care, the identifiers used in this collection should be the same.
Residential Service Unit Identifier (ResiId) Char[6] 21 722711 AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers used in this collection should map to the identifiers used in data for the NMDSs for Community Mental Health Care and Residential Mental Health Care.
Blank 3 Spacing Field (Blank3) Blank[3] 27 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values
Target Population (TargetPop) [15] Char[1] 30 682403
1:Child and adolescent
2:Older person
7:Not applicable
Blank 2 Spacing Field (Blank2) Blank[2] 31 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values
Sector (Sector) Char[1] 33 269977
Blank 1 Spacing Field (Blank1) Blank[1] 34 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values
Residential Service Unit Name (ResiName) Char[100] 35 722715 Common name used to identify the service unit.
Blank 55 Spacing Field (Blank55) Blank[55] 135 Field value is ignored for SKL processing, can contain spaces or MHE values

Record length = 189


[14](METEOR includes code 9, but that is not applicable to SKL)
[15]Code 7 only applies to FTEORG usage, METEOR code 9 does not apply